Sonic Movie 2 Animation - Sonic vs Amy Rescue Tails's Pet from EGGMAN So...

Sonic and Amy Rescue Cat from DR.EGGMAN - Sonic Life Stories | Sonic the Hedgehog Animation Mr Sonic Tails' cat is lost. Sonic and Amy help Tails find the cat for Tails. Sonic and Amy search everywhere. Then Amy saw a cat paw print. Amy asked Sonic to follow. Sonic and Amy follow the cat's paws and go into the jungle. The deeper Sonic and Amy go into the forest, the more murky the forest becomes with scary cries. Suddenly the ground covered with fallen leaves moved, Amy shouted. A net stretched up and caught Amy and dangled. Amy called Sonic to come rescue her. After that, Sonic and Amy discovered that the cat catcher was Eggman, so they cooperated to defeat Eggman and successfully rescue the lost cat. How did Sonic and Amy save Tails' cat? Please Join My New Video To Know. Let's Watch This Movie Now! Thank All My Friends !!!