Sonic Movie 2 Animation - No... Rouge stay at Amy's house, eat, borrow a...

Good Girl Vs Bad Girl – Amy Vs Rouge - Sonic Life - Sonic the Hedgehog 2 Animation Amy is a very hardworking and hardworking girl. Amy was making a delicious steak when Rouge came over. Seeing that Amy didn't notice Rouge ate the steak without saying anything to Amy. Amy asked Rouge, but Rouge said the cat had just eaten. Amy said nothing and made another steak. Just put down Rouge and ate it without saying anything. After eating, Rouge told Amy that Rouge just had her purse stolen, so there's no money in it now. Seeing that, Amy gave her ATM card to help Rouge. Rouge did not thank Amy, but instead used Amy's ATM card to go shopping. Rouge bought herself a lot of things like beautiful wings, expensive jewelry and lots of clothes. So Does Amy know Rouge tricked her kindness? And what will happen next?
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